Level V
What are some indicators of a Level V text?
Biographies go beyond simple narratives to provide significant amount of historical information and focus on harsh themes and difficult periods of history
Science fiction presents sophisticated ideas and concepts
Text requires readers to think critically
Full appreciation of the texts requires noticing aspects of the writer's craft
Texts have print in a small font
Novels may be 200 - 300 pages long
How do I know if my child is a Level V reader?
Read and understand characteristics of most genres, including biographies on new topics, fantasies, chapter books, shorter informational texts, mysteries, series, books with sequels, short stories, diaries & logs, and myths & legends
Read longer texts with many lines of print that requires the reader to remember lots of information
Use strategies to figure out difficult words
Look for information in pictures, photographs, maps, charts, etc.
Can break words into syllables
Read silently for the most part
Search for and use information in a text
Check out River Vale Library's
"Level V" Books
Leveled Books for Readers Grades 3-6 (Fountas & Pinnell) and Matching Books to Readers: Using Leveled Books in Guided Reading. K-3 (Fountas and Pinnell). Retrieved: 7/15/13 from Loudoun County Public Schools
The Continuum of Literacy Learning Grades K-2 & Grades 3-5 by Fountas & Pinnell (Adapted by Sachem Literacy Coaches.) Retrieved: 7/15/13 from Sachem School District