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Internet and Computer Availability

The library has high speed Internet access and Microsoft Office 2016 on 5 patron computers. Printing costs are $.20 per page for black and white and $.40 per page for color. Time restrictions for computer use will result if demand overtakes computer availability for the public. COMPUTER USE POLICY

Internet Availability

Tech Tutoring

The River Vale Library offers personal, one-on-one instruction in basic technology training. Sessions can cover broad topics: Internet, Microsoft Office, Basic Desktop/Windows functions, tablets, Email or the Library Catalog and Databases. Assistance is also available in helping you to utilize our digital library collections. Beginners and Intermediate users are welcome. Sessions are one-on-one for thirty minutes.  Call the Library to register as session times vary.

Tech Tutoring

Copier & Fax

The library has a copier that makes black and white copies for a charge of $.20 per copy. The copier also reduces, enlarges and collates material. A FAX machine (201-829-7903)  is available for both sending and receiving faxes. The cost for sending is $.50 page for all numbers. There is no faxing outside of continental United States. All incoming faxes cost $1.00 for the first page and $.50 for each subsequent page.

Copier & Fax

Talking Book & Braille Collection

Do you know someone who has difficulty reading because of a temporary or permanent visual or physical limitation? The NJ State Library Talking Book & Braille Center offers access to a vast collection of books in Braille, cassette, and digital formats. Applications are available here at the River Vale Public Library. The eligibility requirements and application process will be explained by staff. The library has talking book machines available so you can decide which may be the most suitable to your needs. 

Talking Book & Braille Collection

Notary Public

One of our regular staff members is a Notary Public. Her notary services are available on a
walk-in basis. An appropriate donation to the library in return for this free service is welcomed but not required. Please call 391-2323 before visiting the library to make sure the Notary will be in the building at the time you plan to arrive.

Notary Public

The library's Community Room and ESL Small Conference Room are primarily for programs sponsored by the library and the Friends of the River Vale Library. When library activities are not scheduled, community groups engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, charitable, or social activities may meet in these rooms. For more information and to check availability please call the library. COMMUNITY ROOM POLICY AND APPLICATION FORM

Meeting Rooms

Monday - Wednesday          9 am - 8 pm

Thursday                                9 am - 6 pm

Friday                                      9 am - 5 pm

Saturday                               10 am - 5 pm

Sunday                                   1 pm - 4 pm


412 Rivervale Road
River Vale, NJ 07675


Phone: 201-391-2323

Fax: 201-829-7903


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 2024 River Vale Library

If you have any accessibility issues on our website, please let us know so we can begin the process of correcting it: contact

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