Level C
What are some indicators of a Level C text?
Increased number of words and lines of text
Large spaces between words
Sentences increase in length and may include some embedded clauses
Sentence structure is similar to sutdents' language
Some books have repeated words or patterns
Most books are about 8 pages
Pictures are highly supportive of the text (Students cannot rely on patterns and pictures to read)
Includes more basic sight words and some compound words
Includes word endings (ex. -s, -ing, - ed)
Opportunities for decoding simple words
Punctuation includes periods, question marks, exclamation marks and commas
Dialogue is frequently included
Topics are familiar to children
Characters and story plots are straightforward
Experiential books - events and artifacts of everyday life
How do I know if my child is a Level C reader?
Read simple stories with 2-6 lines of text per page
Notice repeated lines & phrases
Begin to follow text with eyes, rather than pointing
Use strategies to help understanding
Begin to correct reading mistakes
Read easy, high frequency words -- (the, and, like, see, here, look, is , can, in, it)
Check out River Vale Library's
"Level C"
Leveled Books for Readers Grades 3-6 (Fountas & Pinnell) and Matching Books to Readers: Using Leveled Books in Guided Reading. K-3 (Fountas and Pinnell). Retrieved: 7/15/13 from Loudoun County Public Schools
The Continuum of Literacy Learning Grades K-2 & Grades 3-5 by Fountas & Pinnell (Adapted by Sachem Literacy Coaches.) Retrieved: 7/15/13 from Sachem School District