Level J
What are some indicators of a Level J text?
Stories have similar characteristics to Level I but are generally longer (some over 50 pages)
First chapter books
Characters in series books will expand reading interest in reading, increasing the amount of time reading
Large amounts of dialogue
Full range of punctuation within longer, more complex sentences with many adjectives and adverbs
Texts have one main plot with several episodes over a period of time - chapter books may only cover a period of one day
Require more interpretation on the part of the reader
Requires quick solving of new worlds, including three or four syllables
How do I know if my child is a Level J reader?
Read many types of texts (informational, short chapter, simple biographies)
Understand a large number of longer sentences
Use strategies to figure out hard words (go back and reread, use picture clues, find smaller words inside the bigger word, etc.)
Read silently during independent reading
Automatically read a large number of high frequency words (from all previous levels & more)
Read out loud & sound like a normal speaker (not like a robot)
Read out loud & sound like an actor (pauses, reads with expression)
Check out River Vale Library's
"Level J" Books
Leveled Books for Readers Grades 3-6 (Fountas & Pinnell) and Matching Books to Readers: Using Leveled Books in Guided Reading. K-3 (Fountas and Pinnell). Retrieved: 7/15/13 from Loudoun County Public Schools
The Continuum of Literacy Learning Grades K-2 & Grades 3-5 by Fountas & Pinnell (Adapted by Sachem Literacy Coaches.) Retrieved: 7/15/13 from Sachem School District