Level I
What are some indicators of a Level I text?
Multiple episodes are highly elaborated
Most text lengths are about the same as G and H (10 - 30 pages) but have smaller print size
Some longer texts are up to 40 pages
Texts use a great deal of dialogue
Picture enhance meaning but provide little support for precise word solving and meaning
Complex word solving is required with multi-syllable words
Paragraphs and sentences are longer
Reader transition to texts that may call for sustaining interest and meaning over several reading periods
Some chapter-like books
Most books are narrative (Realistic fiction, fantasy and folktales) with a plot and solution
Informational books are shorter with more difficult content
Characters and story events require interpretation
How do I know if my child is a Level I reader?
Read short texts ( 8 - 16 pages) and easy chapter books (30 - 40 pages)
Understand sentences of more than 10 words
Read many texts silently without pointing to words
Automatically read a large amount of high frequency words (from all previous levels & more)
Read out loud and sounds like normal speaking (not robot-like)
Read out loud and sound like an actor (pauses, reading with expression.)
Check out River Vale Library's
"Level I" Books
Leveled Books for Readers Grades 3-6 (Fountas & Pinnell) and Matching Books to Readers: Using Leveled Books in Guided Reading. K-3 (Fountas and Pinnell). Retrieved: 7/15/13 from Loudoun County Public Schools
The Continuum of Literacy Learning Grades K-2 & Grades 3-5 by Fountas & Pinnell (Adapted by Sachem Literacy Coaches.) Retrieved: 7/15/13 from Sachem School District